Bishop Drinks Services

Bishop Drinks Services

Friday, 7 October 2016

BOB Special: What not to do or say while arguing / fighting with women (must read)

Women are sensitive and posses fragile emotional levels. What many men consider to be a joke may lead women to blasting expressions. Especially when they are angry or depressed, men need to be cautious to talk to them or even approach them. Dealing with an arguing or fighting woman is intimidating for most of the men. They wait to cling on to your most innocent jokes and the simplest expressions of humor. There are certain things a man should never tell a woman during the fight. What comes out so spontaneously may turn explosive at such instances.

Never ever say to relax

  • The word relax is a forbidden phrase in fight. By asking her to relax, you are indirectly indicating that she is out of mood and out of control, while she thinks that she is really serious on what she is trying to prove.
  • Many men ask the question, are you mad? This is also equally detrimental to ask a fighting woman. Never try to prove that you are ok and the lady is abnormal. Do not even hint that she is talking nonsense, even if you are right to say so. Anything that puts them down during the fight will be resisted with utmost sense of defense.

No expressions of love or sex

  • Telling 'I love you', or 'can I kiss you' type expressions are forbidden in a fight. The immediate answer will be a denial and it will only help to prolong the fight. Woman may consider the expressions as a way to divert her attention and trying to play with her emotions.
  • Do not even ask 'how do you want it tonight' questions. Direct mentioning of sex during a fight may worsen the condition than ever. Sex is not a source of calming down for women; they enjoy it when they are calm down.

Avoid words hint her past life

  • Mentioning her ex-boyfriends or ex-husband while you fight may make her angrier. If you really wish to put an end to the fight in the most peaceful way possible, then keep mum even if she blasts at you about your past relationships.
  • Never ask her 'how many men have you slept with'. It just irritates the woman and she may go to unexpected extents of anger and hatred. She may consider the expressions as a trick to humiliate her or belittle her by remembering her of the past life.

Do not go on apologizing

  • Apologizing with a fighting woman many times bring back the negative results. When the man apologizes she just jump into the conclusion that he is mistaken not her. Silence or less-hurting arguments are better to calm down an angry woman.
  • Do not admit all the mistakes at the first instance, which you may think my put an end to the issue. But the woman may feast on your sentiments and put you down to the soil. Try to defend your arguments in the mildest possible way.

Do not pretend as if you did not pay attention

  • Asking that 'what did you say? I didn't listen', question is a big no in fighting. When you ask this it gives a hint that you consider her talks as unimportant and not worthy to be listened. Even if you didn't listen, she is not goanna repeat it to you.
  • Trying to divert her attention to some other things may make her furious. Just pretend as if she says wonderful things and you listen and understand each word of it. With your body language and gestures, just convey that you are grasping what she says.
  • Fights are not occasions to impose your ideas, thoughts, demands and desires on the other person. Fights are, in fact, uncontrolled moments in life and if people do not learn to deal such situations in most mature way, the life can be hell and relationships so unstable. Fights are not times of communication; what happen in fight are thoughtless expressions of anger and frustrations.

1 comment:

  1. The "how do you want it tonight questions" got me laughing hard, lmao. Nice one Bishop, most Naija guys need to see this o.


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