Bishop Drinks Services

Bishop Drinks Services

Wednesday 10 September 2014

OJB Jezreel talks about the car accident he had a few weeks ago

Some of you don't know this, but singer/producer OJB Jezreel was involved in a car accident a few weeks ago that left the friend riding with him in a hospital for three whole weeks

Speaking about it for the first time, OJB explains what happened to Encomium magazine
"I was coming from Abeokuta with a friend in his car. I think they didn't tighten the bolt of the tyre very well. By the time we were around Mowe, the tyre gave way and the car tumbled and the glass scattered. My friend was seriously injured. I was also injured but not as badly. After the accident, I couldn't walk very well. I was treated and a few weeks I had to walk around with a stick. I dropped the stick three days ago. I'm a lot better now.
The things that have been happening from the surgery to the accident, it is God. Some people would have died if they had gone through all that I have gone through but God has been gracious to me."

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