Bishop Drinks Services

Bishop Drinks Services

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Woman Finds Wedding Ring Missing For Five Years Was in Her Dog

A Wisconsin woman, who thought her lost wedding ring was long gone five years ago, was recently reunited with it in a very surprising way. As reported by WAOW Newsline 9, two weeks ago, Lois Matykowski of Stevens Point, and her granddaughter were out in the yard enjoying Popsicles on a hot day.

 That was until Tucker, the family dog, struck. “He’s known in the family to be the food burglar,” Matykowski explained. “After I turn around and I look at my granddaughter, the Popsicle is gone and there’s Tucker you know, smacking his jaws.” The pooch stole the icy treat on a stick and gobbled it all down.
It wasn’t long before Tucker got rid of it though. “Stick and all, everything came out,” Matykowski recalled. Two days later the pup began vomiting again when he was inside the house, and instead his owner getting upset, she was overjoyed. “I look in the paper towel and here is my wedding ring,” said Ms. Matykowski. “I kid you not. My wedding ring was in Tucker’s puke!” She couldn’t believe it herself. “I was devastated,” Matykowski recalled her feelings five years ago when she lost the ring. “How do you replace something like that? Not only the value of the ring but just the emotional ties.”
“I’m just elated that he threw up on the carpeting and I don’t even care,” said Matykowski laughs. “So I have my wedding ring back and Tucker is big dog on campus right now. He’s my hero.” An x-ray of the family pet showed that he held no other hidden treasure. Matykowski says friends of hers have even joked, “‘I want a dog that throws up diamonds!’ Like, who wouldn’t, right?” Tucker’s veterinarian thinks that the Popsicle stick could have dislodged the ring inside the canine and despite a story that seems amazing, with dogs, anything is possible.

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